
F&S offers a wide selection of dry herb vaporizers. Whether you prefer a pen style or a mod style vaporizer, we have plenty of choice with many price ranges and well-known vaping brands to choose from.

Our dry herb vaporizers are made to use with flavoured blends and dry herbs. Whilst some of the models in our range can vaporize e-liquids, these are made specifically for dried herbs, so make sure to use our products to their full potential! F&S stock major brands including Dynavap, Flowermate, and Pax, to offer our customers the best dry herb vaporizer products and accessories. With three of the best vaporizer brands to choose from, you are sure to find the right dry herb vaporizer at F&S.

Our vaporizers are available in different designs, size capacities, and price ranges to give you plenty of flexibility and freedom to cater your budget and requirements.

The technology used in vaping products has progressed rapidly over the past couple of years, especially with the rise in popularity. Due to this, expensive accessories and features like precise temperature control and ceramic ovens can now be purchased at lower prices, making them portable, compact, and inexpensive.

So how much should you spend on a dry herb vaporizer? This depends entirely on your budget and preferences. There are a wide variety of dry herb vaporizer price points available. On the higher end, vaporizers like the Pax 3 complete kit go over the £200 price range, but they provide you with the best possible vaping experience. Premium-priced vaporizers are designed with the best materials, features advanced technology and are made to endure years of usage.

If you are tight on budget, don't worry, we still offer plenty of great vaporizers at a reasonable price. Products like the Dynavap The M 2020 Vaporizer can provide you with an excellent vaping experience at a price under £70. All the dry herb vaporizers in our range have been selected for their performance, so when you shop with F&S, you are guaranteed high-quality products no matter how much you spend.

Buy online today for fast UK delivery, or purchase from one of our Central London vape shops.

Dry Herb Vaporizers London | Buy In-store & Online


Active filters

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